12th International Shared Decision-Making Conference | July 7-10 2024 in Lausanne
Coproduction: Harnessing the power of partnerships
The Organizing Committee is delighted to invite you to the 12th International Shared Decision Making Conference (ISDM 2024). The conference will take place in Lausanne, Switzerland, from July 7-10 2024.
Working with the ISDM Society, we will use this meeting to position shared decision making as a key part of coproduction in healthcare.
Reflecting this year’s theme; Coproduction: Harnessing the power of partnerships, we will promote equal opportunities for all. We also want to highlight the contributions of people whose voices are not typically heard at international conferences. This includes community members, patients, citizens, clinicians, policy makers, junior researchers and students.
Lausanne was elected best small city in the world! It is beautifully nested between lake Leman, the largest lake in central Europe, the Alps and the Jura mountains. Close to Geneva international airport, it has excellent train connections to Zurich and Basel international airports. The conference will take place on the CHUV hospital campus.